Urban lighting is a unique cultural expression of every city. G20 Hangzhou's urban lighting scene is becoming an important city business card, and has become the benchmark for the construction of night city culture in various cities. In recent years, the government has vigorously promoted urban public lighting and smart city construction such as landscape lighting and road lighting. The market demand continues to expand. Many lighting engineering companies have benefited from the favorable lighting engineering market and ushered in leap-forward growth. At the same time, the lighting industry is huge in the engineering field. The development prospects have also made lighting companies eagerly await. Among them, Auman Technology, which is the leader in the field of LED light strips, has begun to gain a reputation in the engineering lighting industry. It has undertaken several large-scale projects of 10 million grades and is gradually infiltrating the market share in this field. Recently, the Aladdin News Center reporter interviewed Liang Xiangqian, deputy general manager of Auman Technology, to understand the road leading to the development of engineering lighting. The era of engineering lighting in parallel with survival and destruction Although the engineering lighting field is improving, its overheated development has caused many problems. The serious product homogenization of engineering lamps is the biggest problem. Because of the wave of urban lighting, the company is easily confused by the immediate interests, and neglecting the thinking of the future, resulting in similar outdoor lighting products in the market, the appearance, light distribution, processing and The combination of environmental carriers is not deep. On the other hand, this also shows that there are still many gaps in the LED product market, where companies can strive for greater development space. This is an era in which challenges and opportunities are in the same place, survival and destruction. The times have given us the courage to seek development. We can use courage to repay society and bring more contributions to society. Mr. Liang said the original intention and mission of Auman Technology's deep-plowing engineering market. As we all know, there are many special interest chains in domestic lighting projects, and Tigers and Dragons, as a newcomer, can still break into this market with the dark horse. Auman's entry into the market relies on innovation and an accurate interface with the market. Mr. Liang said that Auman has a complete construction of the LED industry chain, with matching production capacity from chip to whole lamp. At the same time, the R&D capability of the lamps and lanterns is strong, the transformation of the enterprise is flexible, and it is still possible to face the complicated and ever-changing market. This is Auman's core competitive advantage. In recent years, the introduction of the PPP model has attracted the attention of a number of lighting companies, especially engineering lighting companies, and is even known as the new ecology of the lighting engineering industry in the future. In this regard, Mr. Liang believes that: strictly speaking, the PPP model is not suitable for the vast number of private enterprises, this is only a strategic phenomenon that the market is on the rise, not a long-term development strategy. He also admitted that Auman could not digest this ten-big pill. As a processing enterprise, Auman is only one part of the large-scale consumer chain. Only products that are solidly needed to do the market and guide the market trend can continue to develop. Based on the actual market, it is the real innovation. In terms of products, Auman always pays attention to stability and ease of operation. It not only creates a connection between market development and product positioning, but more importantly, it has always been at the forefront of industry thinking. Aumann's indoor products range from high-volume applications to individualized products, from commercial to decorative lighting. Among them, Auman's LED light strip has become the industry's leading product, from the chip development and design can be oriented with the designer's needs, special research, won the love of countless designers and the market. How to make the product highlight the original features of Auman is the first and most important point. Mr. Liang said that we are not imitative enterprises. We always stand in the forefront of the industry to guide the market and guide consumer demand. This is our corporate goal and the driving force for innovation. At the same time, this is also the biggest competitiveness of Auman, helping Auman to stand in the forefront of fierce competition. Of course, innovation needs to be based on the reality of the market, not blind and purposeless innovation. At the beginning of the design, we must consider the application areas of the products, distribution channels, consumer feedback information, etc. After further determination, we will further consider the process standards and product features, and always take the market demand as the guide. In terms of market development of products, the early manufacturing industry flourished. Auman was mainly based on dealer channels, and opened a number of specialty stores to develop numerous dealers and take the road of popularization. As the market is more segmented, product application requirements tend to be more distinctive and personalized, and market channels have changed accordingly. Enterprises need to accurately predict the market, cultivate the market, and guide consumption according to changes in market demand. Therefore, Auman pays more attention to real-time docking with designers and communication with consumers in channel construction. We must not only create high-end and customized products, but also create more quality and artistic products based on designer opinions. This is also the future direction of the product sales market. Liang always said. There are more tasks in China that are more important than smart cities. Nowadays, the concept of the Internet of Things and the concept of smart city has prompted the lighting industry to spur the smart wind. Auman Technology has also kept pace with the development of the times and has begun to pay attention to intelligent control systems in product development. Cooperation, in order to be more brilliant in the city's lighting performances, lighting festival activities. However, for the current industry to talk about smart cities, Liang always thinks that it is a gimmick. This is just a beautiful imagination of human beings at this stage. There are more important tasks in China than smart cities. After all, we are still in the process of urbanization. In the early days, there were still many urban phenomena that were unhumanized, unintelligent, and irrational. But there is no denying that a smart future city will be the general trend. Entering the era of lighting Internet of Things, the standards and thresholds of the engineering lighting industry are getting higher and higher, and gradually move toward big branding. Whether this is a good or a bad phenomenon is still too early for today. Liang forward said. This year, Auman Technology will focus on the field of engineering lighting. In the future, Auman Technology is not only synonymous with the lamp king, but also the leader in engineering lighting.

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