Whether buying a new car or buying a used car, in addition to the price of a naked car, we must also bear some additional taxes and fees.
1. Purchase tax. The vehicle purchase tax tax price = invoice price is 1.17, and then the vehicle purchase tax is again taxed at 10%. The purchase tax is generally fixed, but when it comes to a fixed period of preferential policies, you can pay less.
2. Various fees, including insurance, card fees (including service fees), etc. Under normal circumstances, only four basic risks are selected, namely, traffic risk insurance, vehicle damage insurance, third party liability insurance (500,000), and exemption-free insurance. If the owner of the loan still needs to choose “robbery rescue insurance,” the cost of insurance Calculation formula: {(purchasing tax on vehicle price)×0.0141 1517)}×1.15×0.85 950 (the loan vehicle model also needs the fee for theft and rescue). Other commercial insurance options are based on their actual needs. The licensing fee is generally fixed, including vehicle and vessel use tax, license fee, driving permit (including photo fees), and service fees. The specific charge varies from place to place. In addition, sometimes, the broker will tell you there are service fees, delivery fees, testing fees, etc. In fact, when the actual operation, according to the specific circumstances and the salesman consultation.

AY-Type Multi-Stage Centrifugal Pump

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